This is a minor procedure that is hugely effective.
A person’s eyes, whether sad, tired, youthful or old make a substantial contribution to the overall impression of a face. For many patients, sagging and baggy skin is not solely a cosmetic issue, it’s also a medical one. The eye is partially hooded, causing a restricted scope of vision.
A minor cosmetic surgery procedure on an outpatient basis, without anaesthesia can correct this problem with just topical numbing.
The procedure
Blepharoplasty is a very common procedure of cosmetic surgery. Eyelids are numbed with a topical anaesthetic after which excess skin or tear bags and fatty subcutaneous matter are removed.
The incision is made in the natural crease of the eyelid as it will be close to invisible later.
The duration of the entire procedure is about an hour. After surgery, a 2 mm wide strip- dressing is applied. Stitches are removed completely 5 days later.
The prices have just an approximate value. The prices may vary, due to individual bodily needs. The binding price quotation follows after a personal consultation. Some procedures / surgeries are performed in the hospital, for this only the consultation and follow-up supply is at our medical practice.